When you get a home inspection, the inspector will attempt to find as many of these defects as possible. Once you have the inspection report in hand, you can request that the seller repair the items found. They may agree, decline, or in some cases, offer you “repair credits” instead. These essentially lower the selling price, giving you more cash to do the repairs yourself once you own the home. Your job as a buyer is to figure out which issues warrant a repair request with the sellers, and which you’ll ask for cash for, handle yourself, or let slide altogether. #conceptblog | Matt Ramey, Real Estate Agent

When you get a home inspection, the inspector will attempt to find as many of these defects as possible. Once you have the inspection report in hand, you can request that the seller repair the items found. They may agree, decline, or in some cases, offer you “repair credits” instead. These essentially lower the selling price, giving you more cash to do the repairs yourself once you own the home. Your job as a buyer is to figure out which issues warrant a repair request with the sellers, and which you’ll ask for cash for, handle yourself, or let slide altogether. #conceptblog

When you get a home inspection, the inspector will attempt to find as many of these defects as possible. Once you have the inspection report in hand, you can request that the seller repair the items found. They may agree, decline, or in some cases, offer you “repair credits” instead. These essentially lower the selling price, giving you more cash to do the repairs yourself once you own the home.

Your job as a buyer is to figure out which issues warrant a repair request with the sellers, and which you’ll ask for cash for, handle yourself, or let slide altogether.


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